Baby Fever

Baby Fever

Baby Fever
“I’ve gotta fevah, and the only perception is a baby of my own!”
There are some of us out there that suddenly hear the “Ding!” of an internal old fashioned oven timer inside our hearts (or a cowbell if you go with my “punny” quote above) and suddenly realize that we want a baby of our very own in our lives. Like. Right. Now. It doesn’t matter your gender, background, income, age, or even relationship status. That baby clock has suddenly started ticking. You could be the kind of person that never even liked kids before, or has never been around kids. The kind that thinks they are gross, a waste of time, money, and sleep. Suddenly the prospect isn’t a turn off at all because they are YOUR kids. Or you could’ve always liked other people’s children, come from a large family, or just always thought you wanted a family of your own … someday, and that someday is now. If you’re like me, you may even have a kid or kids already and thought you were done, but then they get older and you reeeaaally miss the little years.
Suddenly you’re seeing babies everywhere! When you hear one your heart does a little involuntary jump. You start daydreaming about what it might actually be like to hold that little bundle in your arms. Where you would go with them? How you would dress them? What would your parenting style be? Would they have your father’s nose?  Would you make them play sports when they were older? You start noticing things about them you never did before. What’s with all the diapers? Look at those tiny socks! All the accessories, and gadgets out there. Deciding you’ll be the parent that blends all their own organic baby food. Actually forming opinions about things you never gave a second thought to before. 
Now if you’ve really gone done the rabbit hole and your imaginary-baby-to-be temperature is high you may even try to hold your friend’s or families baby just to smell it. Let me tell you there is nothing more active to a person with baby fever than that new baby smell. Oh man, that’s the stuff! Nothing in the world smells quite like the top of a newborn’s head. If you haven’t indulged in a whiff yet, do. I highly recommend it. Disclaimer: please ask the parent first, and strangers are NOT cool with it FYI. Don’t even get me started on a baby’s tiny grasp of their entire fist on your single finger. Awe! Also, be warned, if you do get to nuzzle a baby be careful of facial placement, they suck on noises! I tell you, just typing this is giving me all the feels. 
The reason I’m sharing this all with you is because I figure that if you are reading this blog you are either already in the midst of the above already, or you’re a woman who understands it and would like to help cure other’s “fever” by helping them become a family. I want you to know that every single person involved in Same Love Surrogacy has been in your exact spot. That we’ve all been there in one form or another. That’s the entire reason we are here and doing what we do. To help in any way we can. Truly. It’s why we formed SLS in the first place. Guidance through every step of the surrogacy process for anyone ready to become a parent or help create future families. We all get baby fever here.
Same Love Surrogacy
Same Love Surrogacy