14 Feb Valentines Love
As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, it seems love is in the air everywhere you look. It is the time of year that everyone gets an extra little push to really let those that are important in our lives know how much we love them. Although Valentine’s Day often seems to focus on romantic love, it is also very important to remember that love comes in so many forms.
At Same Love Surrogacy, we get the opportunity to witness many of these forms of love on a regular basis. We see the intended parents that are so in love with each other and recognize that they have such a surplus of love that they are ready to share with a child they already have unconditional love for. We see the life-changing look of love in their eyes on the day their baby is born, and they become parents. We see the surrogate who has such love in her heart for this idea of helping bring parenthood into reality for the intended parents. We see her love for her fellow surrogate sisters as she forms lifelong friendships with others that have love to share. Most of all, we love to see the love between the intended parents and the surrogates, both feeling like the other has given them a gift in allowing them to be part of their lives.
In fact, for just about everyone involved in surrogacy, love is the start of the journey and is so important for every part of the creation of this new life. How many times have you heard that storyline where a kid asks “where do babies come from?” and the adult responds with some form of “well when parents love each other very much….”? Although it is usually used as a lead-in to a joke of a parent uncomfortably explaining “the birds and the bees” to the child, it really does ring true that the creation of life is the product of love. And the creation of life through surrogacy is no different in that aspect, except that it involves the love of not only the parent(s)-to be, but also the surrogate, the agency, the IVF clinic, and sometimes an egg donor.
So this Valentine’s Day, if you find yourself with a surplus of love and a curiosity about the journey of love that is surrogacy, feel free to give us a call and/or check out the informational sections of our website. We would LOVE to hear from you!